Instructional videos

We give you tips on how to work with the PCT

Instructional videos

Would you like to get started with the PCT, but aren’t so sure what to do to get started with Measures and Tasks, Risk Analysis, or Version Control, for example?

Check out the instructional videos we’ve created for you below (unfortunately for now the videos are only available in Dutch):

How can you get started with risk analysis in the PCT?

How do you perform a risk analysis yourself with the ProActive Compliance Tool? Where to start and how to maintain an overview?

How can you manage (critical) asset groups in the PCT?

What is the best way to get started with the asset groups in order to conduct your risk analysis? We need the asset groups as input to the risk analysis.

How do you apply version control in the PCT?

Beyond keeping version control a standard requirement, you also prevent documentation management from being overwritten.

How can you add forms and fields in the PCT?

Want to know how you can add forms and fields yourself in the PCT? In the PCT you have the possibility to add fields in existing forms.

What items can you sign digitally in the PCT?

How does digital signing work in the PCT? And what items can I sign digitally?

How to conduct a stakeholder analysis in the PCT?

How can you conduct a stakeholder analysis to understand the interests and expectations of the stakeholders involved in your organization?

How can you add, link and update files in the PCT? 

How can you easily add, link and update files in the PCT? There are several ways to add files in the PCT.

How can you create and display graphs in the PCT?

The PCT offers you the possibility to display your management information, potential risks, tasks and information security aspects in personal and/or company dashboards. The PCT also offers you insight into your measures and tasks in your own graphs.

How can you assign and manage rights and roles in the PCT?

How can you get started with permissions and roles in the PCT? And which user types are available? The PCT distinguishes 6 different user types. Each user type has a specific role and different authorizations are granted.

How can you manage measures and tasks in the PCT?

The PCT brings together policies, measures, tasks, responsibilities and an understanding of risks. The current state of affairs of your organization is central and you can determine the ambition level. Based on this, you can take measures to, for example, adjust the level of ambition or any risks.

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